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  • What Are the Requirements for the HS-BCP Exam?

    The Human Services- Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP) certification was created by the Center for Credentialing and Education, in assistance with the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) and the Council for Standards in Human Services Education (CSHSE). It was announced…

  • What’s the difference between a PhD or Doctor of Human Services?

    As many people know, Human Services as a professional field is all about helping people. Anyone at the doctoral level in Human services must have a strong passion for it in order to provide the services well. The primary goal…

  • Complete Job Description of a Forensic Psychologist

    A Forensic Psychologist, also known to some as a Criminal Profiler, works with law enforcement agencies to develop a brief profile of criminals, based on common psychological traits. Their work involves studying the behavior of criminals and addressing a range…

  • How to Finish a Dissertation in a Week!

    Okay, “Finish dissertation in one week” is probably not the most realistic item to put on your to-do list, but that’s the kind of hyperbole it takes to get you to look. However, can you get your dissertation finished in…

  • Top 5 Careers for Engineering PhDs

    Graduates with a PhD in engineering are highly knowledgeable in their individual fields of study. A career in engineering is highly lucrative and positions are always in very high demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average median salary…

  • What Coursework is Required for an Emergency Management Doctoral Degree?

    For those with an interested in pursuing a career in Emergency Management, they’ll be working in a field with a dedication for creating frameworks that assist in helping communities reduce their vulnerabilities to various kinds of disasters and cope with…

  • What Will I Learn in a PhD Marketing Program?

    For those looking to pursue Ph.D. in marketing online, you’ll find that this professional degree program will prepare you for performing and teaching research through a variety of courses on empirical and theoretical aspects of marketing. When you work in…

  • Top 3 Job Prospects for Marketing PhD Graduates

    Earning a PhD in Marketing poises an individual to be at the top of their field because of the lengthy years of both classroom learning and practicum work they’ve accomplished. While doctoral candidates often choose work in an educational setting,…

  • Top 5 Job Options with an Emergency Management PhD

    One of the most appealing aspects of a PhD in emergency management is the fact that the degree is relatively new. Federal and state agencies along with private companies have found a strong need to employ individuals who are experts at…

  • Top 3 Job Options with a Forensic Psychology PhD

    Professionals who are excited about forensic psychology must have unique skills in reading people, researching the actions of criminals, and finding clues about how crimes occur. The justice system often calls Forensic Psychologists to act as expert witnesses or legal…

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